Any hazardous material that can no longer be used for its intended purpose(s) may need to be disposed of as a hazardous waste if it also exhibits any of the following characteristics: Flammable, Corrosive, Reactive, or Toxic. Laboratories, and other departments within UC Merced, generate hazardous waste as part of routine work and operations. UC Merced is regulated and permitted by the Merced County Division of Environmental Health (MCDEH) as a Small Quantity Generator of Hazardous Waste.
EH&S encourages hazardous waste generators to implement methods and procedures that contribute towards the reduction of hazardous waste generation. However, it is not always possible to stop or reduce the generation of hazardous waste; in such case, EH&S provides assistance with pick-up, shipping, and disposal of hazardous waste.
Additionally, UC Merced personnel who handle hazardous waste are required to complete the Hazardous Waste Management training via the UC Learning Center (UCLC). For more information regarding trainings, please visit the Training webpage.
Information regarding laboratory generated hazardous waste can be found in the Waste Management EH&S webpage, located under the Researchers and Labs tab.
For any inquiries regarding hazardous waste, please contact the Hazardous Waste Manager at (209) 761-9414 or
Rules, Regulations and Policies
California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 22, Division 4.5
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