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Injury and Illness Prevention

Cal/OSHA requires every employer to have an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)* in place (Title 8, section 3203). UC Merced has implemented a campus-level IIPP to ensure a safe and healthful work environment for its employees. The IIPP is the umbrella under which all employee health and safety programs are implemented, and provides a framework for identifying and correcting workplace hazards.

*Note: This copy of the IIPP does not include the lab safety plan (LSP). If you are a lab member, please download your copy HERE.

EH&S is responsible for monitoring compliance of the university's IIPPs to minimize or prevent occupational injuries and illnesses and to protect the quality of the workplace and surrounding environment. EH&S advises the campus community of its responsibilities with respect to health and safety issues, recommends appropriate corrective actions and programs, implements new health and safety programs and is the liaison between UC Merced and various external agencies and regulatory bodies.

IIPP Goals

  • Provide a safe and healthful workplace for employees;
  • Reduce risk of disease, illness, injury and harmful exposures to the campus community;
  • Reduce worker's compensation claims and costs;
  • Improve employee morale and efficiency; and 
  • Comply with regulatory mandates

Program Elements

  • Assigns responsibilities for health and safety
  • Establishes mechanisms for hazard identification and hazard mitigation
  • Requires workplace inspections and accident investigations
  • Requires communication of health and safety information
  • Reaffirms training and documentation mandates

Helpful Resources


If you have questions about the health and safety of your work environment or about environmental, health and safety in general, please contact EH&S at 209-228-4234. We will be happy to assist you.


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