Cal/OSHA (Title 8 CCR Sec. 5191) requires that all laboratories have a written Chemical Hygiene Plan as a fundamental chemical safety plan for the laboratory. UC Merced's Chemical Hygiene Plan is included within the campus Laboratory Safety Plan (LSP). In addition to the LSP, each laboratory is required to retain a completed Laboratory Safety Plan Supplement (LSPS) that contains laboratory-specific content, including chemical storage locations, emergency contacts and meeting locations, the annual self-assessment form and more.
- The LSPS must be filled out by the PI or assigned lab manager
- A copy of the Training Sheet (Form 4 within the LSPS) must be filled out by each lab member and kept with the LSPS
- The LSP and LSPS must be available to all lab personnel, whether by hard copy or electronic means, with the LSPS (and all current copies of Form 4) present in the lab for review upon request
All UC Merced laboratory personnel who work with laboratory chemicals must know and follow the guidance outlined in the LSP and LSPS.
Every laboratory worker is responsible for following safe work practices.
Practicing safe chemical hygiene protects you and other lab members.
For any questions, please contact